Snapchat Planets are a way to visualise your level of friendship with other users on the app. Jupiter Snapchat planet represents your 5th closest friend on Snapchat. Apart from this, all the planets of the Snapchat solar system signify the level of closeness with Mercury being the closest and Neptune being the least close.
Jupiter is portrayed as a brownish-orange coloured planet having dark orange stripes and some colourful stars. It is the largest planet in our solar system, symbolising expansion and broadening horizons on Snapchat. If you’re associated with Jupiter, it means that you are the 5th closest friend of the person who has you as their Jupiter.
The Mystery of Jupiter Snapchat Planet
Jupiter, as the 5th closest friend on Snapchat, represents a significant level of interaction and engagement with the person who has you as their Jupiter. The Snapchat solar system was created as a visualisation of the top eight best friends as planets orbit around the sun.
In the Snapchat solar system, the planets are in the same sequence as in a real solar system. The position of each planet represents the best friends in the order of interaction.
What the Stars Around Jupiter Snapchat Planet Signify?
As I mentioned above, the stars around the Jupiter Snapchat planet do not have a specific meaning assigned to them. However, it’s assumed that the number of hearts or stars around a planet indicate the level of interaction between two friends.
What if My Best Friend Has a Jupiter Snapchat Planet?
If your best friend has you as their Jupiter, it means that you are their 5th closest friend in the Snapchat solar system. However, this ranking depends upon how frequently you two have interaction on Snapchat.
It’s important to note that the positions in the Snapchat solar system are not fixed and can change based on the level of interaction between friends.
Can I Change My Position from Jupiter to Mercury or Venus on Snapchat?
No, you cannot change your position in the Snapchat solar system manually. The positions are determined based on the level of interaction between you and your friends on the app.
However, you can increase your level of interaction with a friend to move closer to them in the Snapchat solar system.
If you wish to move closer to a friend represented by Mercury or Venus, you can increase your level of interaction with them by sending more snaps, chats, and engaging more frequently on the app.
This increased interaction can potentially move you closer to them in the Snapchat solar system, reflecting a higher level of friendship and engagement.
Remember, the positions in the Snapchat solar system are dynamic and can change based on your interactions with your friends on the app. So, to move your position from Jupiter to Mercury or Venus, focus on increasing your interactions with the specific friend you want to be closer to in the Snapchat solar system.
The Bottom Line
Jupiter on Snapchat signifies a substantial level of friendship and interaction. As the fifth closest friend in the Snapchat solar system, it represents a meaningful bond that may not be as frequent as the top four but is still significant. The appearance of Jupiter, with its reddish-orange hue and colourful stars, adds a touch of whimsy to this visual representation of your friendship hierarchy. Interactions with specific friends can potentially move you closer in their Snapchat solar system.
FAQs About Jupiter Snapchat Planet
What does Jupiter Snapchat Planet represent?
Jupiter Snapchat Planet represents your 5th best friend on Snapchat. It is an orange coloured planet with blue, pink, and yellow stars around it.
How is Jupiter Snapchat Planet assigned?
Jupiter Snapchat Planet is assigned to your 5th best friend on Snapchat based on the level of interaction and engagement between you and your friends.
What does the appearance of Jupiter Snapchat Planet mean?
The appearance of Jupiter Snapchat Planet, including its orange colour and blue, pink, and yellow stars, does not have a specific meaning. However, the number of stars around the planet can indicate the level of interaction between two friends.
Can I change my position from Jupiter to Mercury or Venus on Snapchat?
No, you cannot change your position in the Snapchat solar system manually. The positions are assigned based on the level of interaction and engagement between you and your friends on the app.
What is the significance of the Jupiter Snapchat Planet?
The Jupiter Snapchat Planet represents a meaningful friendship between the user and their 5th closest friend in the Snapchat solar system. It symbolises a level of interaction and engagement that is less frequent than the top four closest friends but still significant.